Executive Leaders Breakfast
Date and Time
Thursday Feb 4, 2016
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM CST
7:00 am - 7:30 am Registration
7:30 am - 9:00 am Program
Golden Valley Country Club
Cost: $25.00
Contact Information
David Oxley
Send Email
This meeting will cover a lot of ground.
We'll start with ACEC/MN President Pat McGraw giving a brief update on the activities of the organization and the implementation of the ACEC/MN 2015-2018 strategic Plan.
We'll then have a presentation on workforce issues by Jacqueline Buck, Director of Employer Services, and Thomas Norman, Director of Workforce Development for the Department of Employment and Economic Development. They will provide information on the current employment environment, future workforce expectations and how firms can address the issue both internally and externally. They also will talk about programs and resources the state has available to help firms address this issue.
Finally, affiliate member Nick Ruehl will facilitate a workshop/discussion to identify and prioritize issues facing the profession. This will be your opportunity to compare notes with other members on the concerns you and your firm may have. The results of the discussion will be brought forward to the Board of Directors for consideration of how potential issues may be addressed by the organization in the coming year.