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Member News

ACEC/MN wants to know what's going on with our members - submit your news items here for inclusion in our social media feeds and on the News page of the ACEC/MN website.
Please type in your firm here:
If you have a specific title / headline for your news item, type it in here:
Fill us in about what's going on at your firm - new staff, expanded practice areas, exciting projects, charity / volunteer activities, or anything else newsworthy at your firm. If there's a link you'd like included, please put that here as well. Make sure to give your text a quick spellcheck as items will be posted as submitted.
If you have a press release or related files for your news, please upload those here. To have your item shared on ACEC/MN social accounts, please include an image with your news. Please submit image files on their own rather than images embedded in pdfs or Word documents. Only one photo can be displayed on news items posted to the ACEC/MN website.
If you have more than one file, you can upload a second file here. If you have additional files that go with your news, please email them to

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