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Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH)

About Us

Architecture - Educational facilities, municipal buildings, commercial and industrial buildings, interior design and space planning, downtown economic revitalization and aviation facilities. Civil Engineering - Site studies, surveys and mapping, water and sewer systems, streets and drainage, utility investigations and design, pavement management, geotechnical engineering, dams, flood control, navigation and levees, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, value engineering. Environmental - Wetland delineation and mitigation, environmental studies - (EA, EAW, EIS), storm water management, lake management, landfills, USTs, environmental site audits, hydrogeologic studies, remedial investigation and design, wastewater, water treatment, regulatory permitting, solid/hazardous waste management, wellhead protection and air quality. Transportation - Highways and freeways, ITS, bridges and structures, right-of-way, parking facilities, comprehensive planning, transit, roundabouts, traffic engineering, multi-modal planning, airport planning and design and railroads. Specialty Services - geographic information systems (GIS), coatings evaluation, federal DOD engineering, planning and building design services, telecommunications site development, electrical engineering, energy related services, land development, mining.

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