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Terracon Consultants, Inc.


AgriculturalArchitectureAsbestosCivilConst MgmtEnvironmentalGeotechnicalIndustrialMaterialsProject ManagementRoofingStructuralTelecommunicationsTransportation

About Us

Environmental Services: soil and ground water assessments and remediation, compliance audits, Phase I site assessments, property condition assessments, environmental management systems, asbestos and other industrial hygiene services, NEPA surveys, environmental review, wetland delineation, wind farm permitting and Brownfield/Superfund project design and remediation.

Geotechnical Services: drilling, determination of proper foundations and design parameters for structures, grouting, compaction, reinforcement and other ground improvement methods, in-situ testing, performance monitoring, seepage control, containment systems design, selection of materials for earth dams, railroad or highway embankments, reinforced and unreinforced earth retaining systems, construction excavation support including soil nailing and tie-back systems, cut and embankment slope design and stabilization rock coring, laboratory testing of rock analysis and design of rock slopes and embankments, support requirements for tunnels and other excavations, rock anchors and bolts. Construction Materials Testing: design of constructed materials, testing of soil, concrete and masonry, asphalt, aggregates and floor flatness.

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