Thursday Sep 7, 2023
Photo Contest entries close Thursday, September 7th
Voting on Photo Contest entries will run from Monday, September 18 through Friday, September 22.
$50 for a single entry
$200 for a full set of entries in all categories
Limit one entry per category per firm.
This summer ACEC/MN moved into a new office in the Wells Fargo Place Building in St. Paul, and we want to invite our members to help us add the final touches with a Photo Contest!
Members, we want your high-resolution photo submissions - one winner in each of five categories will have their image framed and displayed in the ACEC/MN office for one year, and all entrants will have their pictures featured on ACEC/MN webpages for the contest. See below for more details on categories, entry cost, guidelines, and more:
Printed courtesy of – Contact the American Council of Engineering Companies of Minnesota for more information.
30 7th St. E., Suite 2725, St. Paul, MN 55101 – (952) 593-5533 –